In the next few months, you or perhaps someone you know will be getting ready to graduate from college. If this is the case, congrats! This is a huge step in your life, and it's a great opportunity to start new things. One of those new things can be a new car! With the Honda Graduate Program, you can receive exclusive benefits to get you rolling in style with your new degree.
So what is this Honda Graduate Program all about? Here are a few of the perks!
- $500 towards any new Honda vehicle when you finance or lease with Honda Financial Services.
- Option to defer first payment for 90 days.
- Flexible and attractive finance and lease packages on new and Certified Used Hondas.
- A great path to build credit!
Sound good? Here's what you'll need:
- 5% minimum down payment
- Proof of employment of commitment from future employer
- To have graduated in the past two years, or will graduate in the next four months
- No adverse credit history
- Master's, bachelor's, or associate degree from a U.S accredited college or registered nursing school
If you have questions about what you options could be, give your Stockton 12 Honda team a call and we'd be happy to explore your situation. Your dreams have only just begun. Keep driving forward!